Happy Sunday! We’ve reached the end of our Week of Prayer, and as we prepare our hearts for a new week today, I encourage you to try fasting again today, but this time, a more abstract application of this discipline. As you get ready for a new week, consider, what is something that pulls you away from God in your daily life?
Is it your phone? Games, social media, or work emails? Is it television or Netflix binging? Is it productivity? Are you unable to sit still on a Sunday afternoon because you feel the pressure to clean, tidy, or accomplish that next project? Certainly, none of these things are bad in and of themselves, but when they eliminate our ability to rest and spend time with God, they become idols to lay down.
Consider “fasting” something that draws you away from focused time with God today. Then, any time you find yourself reaching for that phone or feel that nagging urge to vacuum the living room, instead, pray, read your Bible, or strike up a conversation about faith with your kids, spouse, or roommate.
Whatever it is that you choose to “fast,” allow the urge for it to draw you toward the Lord today!