Daily encouragement

Video by

Jessi Lenichek

ACF Devo Team

dive deeper

Romans 11:33-36

Oh, how great are God’s riches and wisdom and knowledge! How impossible it is for us to understand His decisions and His ways!

For who can know the Lord’s thoughts?

Who knows enough to give Him advice?  

And who has given Him so much

that He needs to pay it back?  

For everything comes from Him and exists by His power and is intended for His glory. All glory to him forever! Amen.

Behind the Scenes

The week of January 8th, Pastor Josh described that God was before the beginning, and He is for eternity. He said that we as humans can partially wrap our minds around eternity going on forever and ever, but to think about existing before the beginning of time blows our human minds. No matter how far you go back or forward in time, God is present! Have you ever thought about what existed before the beginning or exactly when was the beginning?

That evening as I sat at my computer to start writing this devotion, I was reminded that these verses in Romans presented more questions that blow my human mind just like Pastor Josh’s remarks about God existing before the beginning.

In my efforts to grasp the questions in these verses in Romans, I found many sources referencing Isaiah 40:12-14 (NLT):

Who else has held the oceans in his hand?
       Who has measured off the heavens with his fingers?
 Who else knows the weight of the earth
       or has weighed the mountains and hills on a scale?
 Who is able to advise the Spirit of the Lord?[a]
     Who knows enough to give him advice or teach him?
 Has the Lord ever needed anyone’s advice?
     Does he need instruction about what is good?
 Did someone teach him what is right
     or show him the path of justice?

These verses give me a beautiful image of God scooping the ocean in his hands and weighing each mountain and hill, but these questions, likewise, blow my human mind! Then I reread Romans 11:33, and I quickly realized that it is impossible for humans to understand the depth of these questions! In this devotion series we are answering the question, “God, who are you?”  So, what insight do these verses offer?

Make it Real

God is the only answer to these questions! Paul, who was inspired by the Holy Spirit to author Romans, even writes that it is impossible for us to understand God’s decisions or His ways, so there must be a faith aspect in believing that God is who He says He is and will do what He says He will do! ! I must have faith that I will understand these questions in heaven!

Okay! I can let God be the only answer, and I can shift my perspective to giving glory to God forever as proclaimed in the last verse of Romans above. It reminds me that God is the source of everything. The verse states that everything exists by him and for him. I was made for God who deserves all glory and praise! I was created to give Him glory! Giving Him glory is something I can understand!

One of my favorite ways to give glory and praise to God is to listen to and sing worship music! I give Him glory and praise for His creation when I am hiking or gardening. In my prayers, I express glory and praise on easy and difficult days. When I follow His call to actions like studying scripture and listening, my obedience is giving praise and glory to God! When I live a life of loving others that is commanded in God’s teachings, it glorifies God! He first loved me (I John 4:19) so His love can work through me to transform and heal others in my life! I cannot think of a more perfect way to give Him all glory and praise than to tell others about Him and show them His love! Think about the ways you give glory and praise to God!

End in Prayer

God, who are you? You are the One who deserves all glory and praise!  I give You glory for everything You have given me   I praise the power that You have.  I give You honor, glory, and praise for creating me for You, and I am in awe that I was made for You! Please guide me as I tell others of your love, and may I give You all glory and praise when I do. Remind me each day of ways that I can spread Your love and glory.  I cannot limit God who created me!  Giving You glory and praise is loving You, so I thank You for loving me first!  I love You! Amen.

Written by

Phillis Foster

ACF Devo Team