“When I saw Him, I fell at HIs feel like a dead man. And He placed His right hand on me, saying, ‘Do not be afraid; I am the first and the last, and the Living One; and I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore, and I have the keys of death and of Hades.’”
The apostle John wrote the book of Revelation around 95AD while he was exiled to the island of Patmos. John received a vision from God and a direct message for seven specific churches of the day. The book of Revelation records the messages to those churches as well as the apocalyptic vision God gave him about the things to come. This book is shrouded with controversy and confusion about what each piece of the vision means, how much of it has already taken place, and what is still yet to come. But there are some key things that John both saw and heard that are important for us to listen to and take note of.
In his recording, John writes that in His vision, He saw the risen Jesus. Now remember, this is the apostle John who was one of Jesus’ closest friends and followers. But the vision of Jesus that He sees is much different than the physical man that he walked with for nearly 3 years. This is the risen Jesus, the glorified Jesus in all His splendor!
Can you even imagine it?! John describes Him as clothed in a robe to His feet, wrapped in a sash of gold. He says that His head and hair were white like snow or white wool and that His eyes were like a flame of fire. His feet were like burnished bronze that is heated to glowing in a furnace. His voice was like the sound of many waters and His face was shining like the sun on its brightest day.
Rightfully so, John says he falls at His feet as if he were a dead man. I cannot even imagine the intense reaction he would have had to seeing the glorified Jesus! But I love what Jesus does. In true Jesus fashion, He comforts His friend. He places His hand on John and tells him not to be afraid. And then He makes this statement that is so powerful, “I am the first and the last, and the Living One; I was dead, and behold, I am alive forevermore.”
What a powerful thing! Jesus, even in all His glory, identifies as the one who was dead but who is alive forevermore! Friends, that is the God we serve! That is the true Messiah- the one who came and died for our sins, who rose again, and who will live for all of eternity in power, majesty, and splendor. He was not just some man. He was God Himself who took on flesh, experienced the agony of an earthly, physical death, and rose victorious forevermore! What a sight that must have been to behold!!!
I learned recently about a modern-day false prophet who claimed to be Jesus returned for his people. And he had quite a following too. Until his followers insisted they should crucify him so he could prove his deity and resurrect from the dead. As you can imagine, the false Jesus did not like that plan at all. And he is not the first to make claims like this nor will he be the last.
There are so many religions in the world today that want to tell you that they have the corner market on the truth. Or even more scary are those that say there is no truth. There are many false messiah’s that have come and will continue to come. But only ONE has ever existed in the true measure of Messiah. Only ONE has ever lived a sinless life, died for the sins of the world, and been raised to life as a victorious King. Only ONE sits at the right hand of the Father, interceding on our behalf and reigning on high. Only ONE is clothed in majesty, wrapped in gold, shining like the sun. ONLY ONE!
Did you know that Jesus fulfilled 356 individual prophecies about Messiah? The odds of Him even fulfilling just EIGHT of the major prophecies are one in ten to the seventeenth power!!! Written out that is 1 in 10,000,000,000,000,000… let that sink in a bit. AND THAT IS JUST EIGHT! Can you even begin to fathom the impossibility of anyone other than Jesus fulfilling the prophecies of Messiah? Our God is the TRUE Messiah. He is the only one who could and DID do what He said He would do.
See, the resurrection of Jesus is not just folklore or religious tales. It is a fact that was witnessed by the apostles and followers of Jesus and then by at least 500 people at ONCE. It is a fact that has changed the life of millions of people since then. It is a fact that set the course of history forever. No one could do that but the true, risen Lord of lords. No one could fake that kind of exposure, that kind of proof. If you had even 50 witnesses to a single crime, the courts would throw out the case and declare the defendant guilty without a shadow of a doubt. The resurrection has over ten times that many witnesses!!! We have written accounts, encounters, changed lives, and entire civilizations effected by His resurrection.
The evidence is overwhelming. The truth is so plain that to deny it is a true act of rebellion. Jesus is the risen King. Period. And not only is He owed our allegiance, but He is so very worthy of it too!
In light of the absolute finality of His power and might, in light of the immensity of His glory, the thing that always amazes me is His kindness and love. He is so good that when I truly ponder it, I can’t help but weep. He is so true, so faithful, so loving. When I let the enormity of the proof of Jesus combined with the supernatural power of the resurrection truly settle in my soul, I can’t help but praise Him. He is the God of the universe who is SO, SO, SO worthy of all my praise. And even more, it is my eternal delight to praise Him!!!
My King! My Saviour! My Lord! I will praise You every day of my life and then every day of eternity forevermore. You are wonderful, amazing, so good, and so worthy. Thank You for leaving us with so much proof. Thank You that Your death and resurrection not only proved who you were, but also purchased for us eternal life. Thank You that You are our friend, our ally, our confidant, and our God. I cannot express with words the depth of my praise for You! Hallelujah! King Jesus reigns forevermore!