Daily encouragement

Video by

Daniel Hannah

ACF Devo Team

dive deeper

Psalm 8:3-4

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, and the son of man that you care for him?

Behind the Scenes

Let's set a little background here; the mighty king David is about 16 years old, and he has been tasked with being the family’s shepherd. Note this task is not one of honor, rather one of lowliness — think scrubbing dishes at a slop hole restaurant. Yeah, you know the one, the 40-year-old waiter has stains on the apron and smells like cigarettes. It was a job that only the lowest of society did. Here we have David, pulled out of the field and sent to the battle front where his greatly esteemed brothers were cowering from a Philistine giant. David, filled with the Holy Spirit, stepped into battle with nothing more than some leather straps and a rock, and he slays the menacing giant of a Philistine.

I want to stop here for a moment…Have you ever been brought so close to God that you saw his holiness in everything? For many of you, it is standing on the summit of a mountain overlooking a beautifully created valley. For others, it is when that specific worship song comes on, and your heart leaps. I feel closest to God when standing on the edge of a flowing river, surrounded by nature, hearing the symphony of his creation flowing by in front of me.


David, just coming from seeing the one true God work in a powerful way by helping him kill a giant, now is seeing everything in this light. He sees God’s creation as his divine fingerprint and with all of this majesty, power and overwhelming love, cares for and loves man. As David walked up to a man who could stomp him out like a bug, he experienced a power like no other, a love like no other. He encountered an all powerful and mighty God that loved him so deeply.

Make it Real

Ok so let’s ask this question; how does God’s might and supremacy simultaneously remind us of God’s love and care? All I can think of is the word power.


I want to go back to that place I feel close to God, that river. Why is it here I feel God? Why not sitting on my recliner in my study? I believe it all has to do with one overwhelming thing, power.


Anyone who has been fishing in almost any river has undoubtedly seen that magical hole where fish must be pooling up, and it is of course just out of your range. So, you make the calculated decision to cross the river. I mean its only shin deep so how hard can it be? You start edging out into the flowing water and immediately the water is pushing up to your knees! Next thing you know, you are fighting the powerful hydraulic pressure and trying to stay upright. Such a small peaceful river where I hear the symphony of creation instantly turns into experiencing the power and might of the creation of an almighty God.

David experienced the Holy Spirit in probably the most terrifying time of his life, and right after it writes a poem talking about the immense love for us our God has. As humans I don’t think we quite understand the importance of his power.


Every time I am in the presence of God, it’s always in a place where I feel his power, whether its from a river or a mountain. We have a King who is full of divine mysteries that we cannot comprehend, fully God and fully man, three people in one, and He is the epitome of power and simultaneously the epitome of love. And praise God that he shows us this mystery through his creation.

End in Prayer

God we praise you for your divine mysteries. We worship you because you show us your great power and overwhelming love. God as we walk through our life I pray we can experience you in new ways. God we love you, Amen.

Written by

Brandon Matlock

ACF Devo Team