Daily encouragement

Video by

Noah Zuniga

ACF Devo Team

dive deeper

Psalm 40:1-3

I waited patiently for the LORD; he inclined to me and heard my cry. He drew me up from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog, and set my feet upon a rock, making my steps secure. He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear, and put their trust in the LORD.

Behind the Scenes

This Psalm, written by David, may have been penned after a time of turmoil for David. This could have been when he was being pursued by his enemies, threatened by the reigning king (even though David himself was anointed king) and hiding in desolation and hopelessness. In any case, David is certainly celebrating a deliverance from something. Whether it was physical, emotional, or spiritual, we can clearly see God’s character in this.


First, when it says, “I waited patiently,” this actually translates, “in waiting, I waited.” So, while he was in the desert, waiting for deliverance, David wasn’t just idly wandering with no aim or purpose. He was waiting for God — in true confidence that God would deliver him.


Second, we see a very personal and intimate response from God, “he inclined to me and heard my cry.” Isn’t that beautiful? I picture someone flat on the ground, so worn down they can hardly speak, and in order to hear them, you have to lean in. God leans in in our weariness and hopelessness. He listens for us and hears us!


Now we see God drawing David from the pit of destruction, out of the miry bog. Can you picture this? You’re bone weary, barely able to lift your head above the muck, and God draws you out! Not only that, but He continues the action — He doesn’t leave you hanging, midair, trying to figure out the next step. He sets your feet upon a rock, making your steps secure.


Finally, because his feet were on solid ground, God put anew song in David’s mouth. It was a song of praise. Notice that Daviddidn’t have to muster up the song and the praise himself. God put it on him. Like David, God will give us a new song. A song of praise because of who He is.Now, despite the circumstances around us, our feet are on solid ground.

Make it Real

I have a friend who is going through a medical nightmare. Her husband is on liver transplant number two in as many weeks. The first was rejected, and he was very sick waiting for a new one. This is all happening after a very long time waiting for a liver. He couldn’t get on the list for a new liver until they found a willing, living donor. That person, whoever it was, may or may not have been a match, but if they promised to donate the liver to someone else who needed it, my friend would move to the top of the list.


This trial has been ongoing for quite a while. I asked her once a few months back, “What does peace look like to you?” knowing that she was in the midst of incredible turmoil. She answered, “It’s calm in the middle of the storm.” You see, she gets it! Her thoughts and focus could be on the miry bog and the pit of destruction she’s currently in, fighting for her husband’s life, but instead, her focus is on the One she trusts most — her God. He inclined (and continues to incline) His ear to her and heard her cry. He pulled her out of the pit of destruction and the miry bog of the unknown and set her feet on solid ground. Her steps are secure. And if you were to talk with her, you would hear her song of praise for all that God has done for her and her husband. She exemplifies faith and trust in God. In her waiting, she is waiting on the Lord.

End in Prayer

Father, Abba, Comforter. You meet us where we are, in the middle of the muck and mire, and You pull us out. You lean in and hear our cries, Lord God, and You answer with a steady rock. Mighty Jesus, place a song of praise forever on my heart and in my mouth so that others may see Your goodness, Your mercy, and Your grace. We love You Jesus! AMEN!

Written by

Colleen McGeorge

ACF Groups Coordinator