He will not let your foot slip-He who watches over you will not slumber; indeed He who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep. (NIV)
He won’t let you stumble, your Guardian God won’t fall asleep. Not on your life! Israel’s Guardian will never doze or sleep. (MSG)
I had to include both translations because they were SO good! I especially love The Message translation. Take heart! God is on duty! He is a constant force in an ever changing, chaotic world.
I love sleep! I’m a happy girl when I can get over eight hours of sleep, but that doesn’t always happen, especially lately. I definitely don’t function well under seven hours. This verse encourages me, though, because it reminds us that God doesn’t sleep - ever! He is on 24/7. The world would be in trouble if it depended on me to be on watch for even 24 hours. Sleep is one of the many things I am grateful God provides for his children.
I encourage you to read all of Psalm 121. It’s one of my favorite passages and very uplifting and reassuring. It’s also one that I like to share with others. The first part of the verse says that God never lets your foot slip. That is very comforting. It means He is there guiding us every step of the way. When we are clinging to Him, we will not slip or fall. I am so thankful for the fact that when I lay my head down to rest, I have no need to worry or fret because God is in control.
Speaking of gratitude, today is Thanksgiving – a whole day set aside to give thanks to God. May we be ever mindful of all we have to be thankful for. Did you know that gratitude can help you live a longer and healthier life? It’s true! According to research, gratitude can lower blood pressure, improve your immune system, ensure better sleep, increase joy and pleasure in your day, help you have a higher sense of self-worth, and improve your relationships. Wow!
I highly recommend the book One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. She encourages us to write down three things each day that we thank God for. Maybe you can try this today, too. And as you sit around a full table, bursting with delicious food, and surrounded by friends or family, take a moment to thank God for all of His rich blessings, that he cares so intentionally for you, and that he is constant.
Dear Lord, on this Thanksgiving Day, we bring our thankful hearts to you. You are faithful! You are good! You are constant and never changing! We don't deserve your faithfulness and goodness, but You love us and lavish it on us. Help us to never take that for granted. May we share your goodness with others wherever we go. Thank you for your many blessings. We love you, Lord. Amen