Daily encouragement

Video by

Autumn Krueger

ACF Youth Culture Administrative Assistant

dive deeper

Matthew 4:19-20

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” At once they left their nets and followed Him. (NIV)

Behind the Scenes

I grew up in a small town in Pennsylvania. I never fished a day in my life until I moved to Alaska over 30 years ago. I often think, “if my friends could see me now.” My life is so different now, and I’ve done things I never thought I would ever do. I’ve ice fished, caught salmon in the summers, watched the northern lights, hiked and walked some gorgeous territory, and gazed at beautiful flowers and wildlife.  

Farmers and fishermen were the main source of income in Jesus’ day. It wasn’t easy work by any means and often took them away from their families for extended periods of time, but it brought in much-needed income for the family.

What is interesting about this exchange between the fishermen and Jesus (see verse above) is that they had heard remarkable things about him but didn’t really know him. However, note how quickly they responded to Jesus. No hesitation. They left their nets and followed him. Who would do that? It was risky because that was their livelihood, so this decision would have a significant impact on their whole family.

Make it Real

How about you? Are you quick to respond when someone asks you to do something, or does it depend on who is asking? What if it was Jesus? Are you quick to respond? Am I? I am encouraged by the disciples and the way they left everything they knew and their livelihood to follow someone they had only heard about. Would I do the same? I don’t know. The fishermen who became Christ’s disciples had no idea what was going to happen next. They followed him around for three years. They watched him care for others, heal the sick, the lame, the demon possessed, and even bring people back from the dead. The disciples eventually were given the power to do the same. Wow!

After that amount of time together, they were devoted to him. Jesus had their complete trust and allegiance. What about us? Does Christ have my full devotion? Am I a loyal follower? Allegiance is such a serious word. It should cause us to pause and think: what is important in my life, what deserves my allegiance?

End in Prayer

Dear Lord, Thank you for your Word and the example of the disciples. Help us to have that same kind of allegiance and devotion to you. Help me to be willing to follow you wherever you lead without hesitation. I am Yours, Lord. Here am I, send me.  

In the name of Jesus, Amen

Written by

Valerie Sheaffer

ACF Devo Team