Daily encouragement

Video by

Daniel Hannah

ACF Worship Team

dive deeper

Mark 6:31-32

Jesus said, “Come off by yourselves; let’s take a break and get a little rest.” For there was constant coming and going. They didn’t even have time to eat. So they got in the boat and went off to a remote place by themselves. (MSG)

Behind the Scenes

There are a lot of moving parts in this passage: Jesus had just sent the Twelve out to do some amazing things – healing the sick and having authority over demons – some big stuff. Jesus had instructed them not to take any gear on their journeys, but it definitely wasn’t a quick day trip.  

They spent time traveling and doing ministry, all without a set plan as to where they would stay or get their meals. If you’re anything like me, who spends a decent amount of time on Google Earth planning out my trip, that sounds stressful and exhausting. We also see that right in the middle of this, a key figure at the time, John The Baptist, was killed, so I imagine it was an emotionally-charged time.

The first thing that Jesus does with his guys when they return is pull them away from the rat-race. He takes them to a place where they can rest, a place to shut down their inner voice, a place they can just sit with their Savior and abide.  

Make it Real

What does it mean to rest? It looks different for all of us: some need music or to sit and paint. Maybe you are a hiker and prefer climb mountains. But do we really know what true rest is?  

The Twelve had just come back from a mission, and if you have ever been on a mission trip or in the military or in the emergency medical field, you can empathize with them. There is a weight to what you are doing, the feeling of knowing you are walking in the power of something much greater than you, whether it be on a battlefield or in an ER trauma bay or on a church food line feeding the homeless. When you are done and out of the trenches, you feel the weight of what you just experienced, the exhaustion both physically, emotionally, and spiritually. You may feel physically drained but mentally charged. As a firefighter, I have come back after a late-night emergency call, completely exhausted and yet I just stare at the ceiling, not able to shut my brain down.  

Jesus is no stranger to the feeling of a battle; his ministry was constantly being challenged. And yet, he also shows us how to rest by getting away and spending time with his Father. We tend to halfway do this; we know we need rest, but we don’t really know what it is or how to find it. Last year I went out for some rest in the woods, to have a nice walk and be with God, but I decided to bring my 2-year-old lab and spent the whole time working with him. Maybe you also are very good at finding distractions to keep you from resting.  

Psalm 23:1-3 in the Message translation says, “God, my shepherd! I don't need a thing. You have bedded me down in lush meadows, you find me quiet pools to drink from. True to your word, you let me catch my breath and send me in the right direction.”  

Fortunately, we have a God who knows us better them we know ourselves. In Mark, we see him provide rest for his men by taking them to a secluded place when they get back from an emotional trip. Jesus provides this same rest in the middle of our causes, too; right about the time I was ready to turn back on my walk with my dog, God brought me to this place where the trail narrowed and went through a willow grove. The treetops bent over and created a perfect tunnel to walk through. My dog went right to the center and just sat down. In that place, God provided me a place of peace and rest in the middle of my own whirlwind.  

True rest comes from a God who loves you and in the middle of your sometimes overwhelming whirlwind. He calms the storm, gives you a plush meadow to lie in, and gives peace beyond understanding.  

End in Prayer

Jesus, you are our peace; you are my rest. Jesus, when I feel the pressure of the crazy pace of life, show me where you have provided me with the quiet place designed solely for me to bask in you and receive rest. Amen.

Written by

Brandon Matlock

ACF Devo Team