Daily encouragement

Video by

Kimber Gilbert

ACF Devo Team Leader

dive deeper

Luke 18:16-17

But Jesus called them to him, saying, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of God.  Truly, I say to you, whoever does not receive the kingdom of God like a child shall not enter it.” (ESV)

Behind the Scenes

In this passage, we find Jesus in the midst of telling parables, healing young and old, and forecasting his death and resurrection to come. But when the disciples saw children, even infants being brought to him, they began to express sharp disapproval. Children were desired and important within Jewish culture during the time of Jesus, for children were to carry the family name and blessing forward. However, children were still thought of as one of the lowest classes of Jewish society. Perhaps we too look down on children in our current society.  Do we value how they approach things, or even listen to them – I mean really listen – to learn what God might be saying to us through them?

As I write this, I am in Peru with ACF, having just spent the last several days with our sponsored kids through Compassion International. On the first day, I got to meet my girl for the first time! What an experience!! We’ve written letters for years, but it was SUCH a blessing to spend the whole day face to face!  As the team debriefs each night, one aspect that has stood out is not necessarily the impact we are having on these kids, but the impact they are having on us! I can’t imagine turning any of these little children away for the sake of some better ministry someone had for us that accomplished more “ministry type” stuff.  

Make it Real

Our sticky note for today says, “Disciple my kids.” Discipling is the primary model which Jesus used to spread his word with effect, depth, and love. Discipling is exponential, not linear, for it seeks to invest your whole life into people rather than just a weekly Bible study, youth group, or gathering. Is God is speaking words like this into your heart?  

Those with kids of your own: you train them to do well in school, treat others with manners, succeed in life, etc... but do you disciple them? Yes, but how? Is it an active discipleship with Biblical reference, looking at the life of Jesus and letting them into your successes, hardships, and difficulties in life? Or is it more a “wing-it” approach, where you rarely talk with them about spiritual things, hoping they will figure it out? Do they see a real, unforced relationship with Christ, or do they see something you manufacture to look good? We all probably know, kids will not necessarily do as you say, but as you do, and if you are not actively engaging in their lives to disciple, the world will and already is discipling millions of kids into the ways of the world at a rate we can hardly keep up with.

And for those with or without kids: have you ever thought about discipling another individual or even three? Jesus was fully God yet also fully man, and he had 12. Consider asking the Spirit if he has a particular person in mind for you to disciple, in addition to those in your family or friend group.

If you don’t already see children as a major vessel God uses for his Kingdom, then you may need to ask God to change the way you think about children. Maybe it’s time to consider sponsoring a child through Compassion if you’ve shot it down before due to cost or trustworthiness or the thought that ministry funds could be better used elsewhere. Look to Jesus! God loves to use the weak to shame the wise, and often uses children to do it! What a Savior we have who loves, values, and disciples children with the upmost importance. Jesus sets the tone with how we are to welcome children, so let the little children come!

Here are some Gospel and Spirit filters that may help us glorify and enjoy God with Luke’s words in 18:16-17.    

Gospel: Jesus does not say, let the white children, or the Jewish children, etc. come to me.  He just says, let the little children come!  How can we value children as vessels valued by God with the capacity to be discipled and move his Kingdom?  

Spirit: What if we let the Spirit begin to shape how we view children?  Ask the Spirit if there is a child or children outside your family that he may be calling you to disciple.  For those of us with kids, ask yourself if you have truly been discipling your own kids in a Biblical manner.  Ask the Spirit how you might disciple your own kids or other kids in the community.  

End in Prayer

Dear Father, thank you so much for kids and what you show us through them.  Please open my eyes to what I can learn from the children around me.  Train me to see your children the way that you see them.  Spirit, are there any children you would like to bring to my mind for me to engage in discipling? (Leave space for him to speak!) Spirit, is there a child or children you would have for me to sponsor this Sunday at church?  Spirit, if there’s anything you would like to share with me, I am listening...

Written by

Chris Jarvis

ACF Devo Team