I tell you that in the same way there will be more rejoicing in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who do not need to repent.
I once sat in a hospital emergency department and observed the levels of anxiety in the room while waiting to be seen. There were some people with very visible and urgent needs, waiting patiently. There were some whose need wasn’t discernible, but seemed very agitated and panicky. I thought this odd, though I knew nothing of each one’s circumstance. It would have made sense to me if it had been reversed: Those with gory, painful wounds should have been the ones making demands to be seen, but they weren’t. They were humbly and patiently trusting the medical professionals, awaiting their turn to be treated.
This is how I see these verse. In speaking to the crowds, I think Jesus is very directly speaking to the boastful believers. I think he was speaking directly to the Pharisees who carried this belief that their worship and service to God exempted them from the need for repentance. They may have believed they had earned God’s favor and, thus, had no need for contrition or confession of their sin. They thought they had a right to stand in his presence and be recognized.
But the sinner who repents, approaching with humility and asking for grace - that will get the heavenly party started!
Can you imagine a doctor bragging about how great he or she is after treating a room full of hypochondriacs? The doctors who actually save lives will likely be honored more by their peers.
There is value in letting a hypochondriac know they are healthy and will be fine. The same way, there is value in a dedicated servant of the church who has become prideful (Pharisee) coming to repentance and being refreshed by the Spirit. Heaven rejoices over that, for sure.
But it seems Heaven rejoices even more over the sinner who is utterly lost and comes to Jesus for mercy. Like a sick or injured person patiently waiting for a doctor, the sinner knows in that moment Jesus is their only hope. Oh, what a joy to help that patient!
If you are hurting or broken and looking for healing, look to Jesus. He is what you need.
And if you have placed your faith in Jesus, I pray you keep it there. Continue to live in his mercy and grace, leaning not on your own strength or understanding to get by. Live a life of faith, walking in the mission that he has placed you here for: finding the lost and sharing your testimony and the joy that you have! 1 Peter 3:15 tells us to “always be ready to give the reason for the hope that you have, with gentleness and respect.” This may just cause a party to erupt in Heaven!
Father, my hope is in you. It is my desire that Heaven rejoices over my salvation and those who I introduce to you. Make me aware of the people around me who can benefit from my testimony of your goodness. Give me courage to share. Send your Spirit to work in their hearts even before I speak, that you may receive all the glory. Amen.