Daily encouragement

Video by

Matt and Katie Bowman

ACF Devo Team

dive deeper

Isaiah 26:3

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! (NLT)

Behind the Scenes

I can recall countless days and nights of my past filled with feeble attempts to escape from the troubles of this world and the restlessness that was my life without Christ. I chased escapes, distractions, and failed pursuits of something that I couldn’t find on my own. I believed the lie that life is just tough, and I needed to suck it up. Surely, I could find some peace, rest, or reprieve in that drink, mindlessly binge-watching TV, or the distraction of staying busy enough with work, even if it was just temporarily. Deep down my heart yearned for something I couldn’t find on my own. I was looking to the world for something that only God could provide.  You probably already know this, but the result was far from what I sought.

I would be willing to guess that at some point in your life, or maybe even now, you yearned deeply for refuge, peace, and rest that you couldn’t find. While life is certainly challenging, we aren’t meant to “just deal with it” on our own. Wherever you are on this journey, whether your world is on fire, or you simply wish there could be a little bit more peace in your life, please know that there is hope. And there is Someone with all the answers.

Make it Real

The truth is the One who created you and knew all of the days of your life before you were even born also knows exactly what you need and how to speak to your heart in a manner beyond understanding.  He is merciful and out of his abundant grace has so many good gifts for you. One of those is perfect peace. We can trust Jesus’ words in John 16:33: “I have told you all of this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.”

And so, declares today's verse in Isaiah, God’s provision of perfect peace is for those who trust and remain focused on him. The result isn’t simply a moment of calmness. As we rest in him, we find exactly what we have been searching for.  

Be still before God and let him minister to your heart. Trust in his goodness. Don’t let the allure of worldly distractions keep you from the Creator of love, peace, rest, and abundant life. Wherever you are, I hope that you encounter Jesus in a powerful way that changes everything for you. The next time you feel the need for an escape after a hard day or rest for your weary soul, what if instead you sought to receive it from Jesus? May the result be you surrendering it all at his feet, continually running to him for rest and trusting him to provide for your every need – including peace.

End in Prayer

Father, thank you for drawing me into relationship with you. Show me where I am seeking rest, comfort, or peace from the things of this world. And help me to instead run to you every moment of every day, trusting you with everything. Let the rest I find in you help me to see things the way you do and to live for the purpose that you created me. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Written by

Dillon Mckee

ACF Devo Team