Daily encouragement

Video by

Stuart Poteet

Discipleship Pastor

dive deeper

Hebrews 4:16

Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need.

Behind the Scenes

Maybe you've seen the classic Christmas photos of the perfectly dressed child sitting on Santa's lap - absolutely bawling. And nothing against those who partake in this fun tradition, but I get it: How strange to be asked to sit so closely with someone you don't know!  

And I think the same tension can fill the hearts of unbelievers - and some believers even - when Christians talk about God inviting us to draw near with confidence - not in ourselves, but in Jesus. It might seem strange because, after all, why would they want to draw near to someone they don't know?  

Most of the time, we draw near to people we know well, and so if you or a friend who isn't a believer struggles to feel like God is near, present, and caring, it might be because you just don't know him yet. We think that we should experience God's affection, care, and kindness as motivation to trust him. But I think it might work the other way around. Today's verse, Hebrews 4:16 says, "Let us then approach God's throne of grace with confidence, so that we may receive mercy and find grace to help us in our time of need." This passage seems to indicate that we find and experience mercy and grace at the throne of our Father.  

Kids that might cry when asked to sit on Santa's lap likely wouldn't bat an eye if asked to sit on a parent's lap for a photo. So, praise God, he isn't Santa - some symbolic representation of the forces of goodness. He is a relational God who wants his kids to trust him so completely that the ask of approaching his throne of grace with confidence - sitting on his lap, if you will - isn't scary; it's second-nature.

Make it Real

We can be confident in this because this throne is a throne of grace, entirely built on relationship: Jesus' relationship with the Father, our relationship with Jesus, and therefore, our relationship with the Father. If you don't feel like you can approach the throne of grace with confidence, the question is simple: do you have a relationship?  

For the unbeliever, the question becomes do you have a relationship with Jesus? Without that covering, we only have eyes for God's justice and anger. But when we say yes to Jesus, his work makes us right before God, drenching us in his grace. And if you have said yes to Jesus, but you struggle to approach God as a Father, drawing near to him with confidence just as a kiddo might climb up in her daddy's lap and ask for help, the question becomes how is your relationship doing?

Because our God is personal. He's not Santa - merely representing ideals, bringing presents, or playing a prop to stir up nostalgia. Our Heavenly Father is goodness, love, and rightness embodied. He doesn’t want to play vending machine games to entertain you; he wants to authentically help you in your time of need because he loves you. He’s after your whole heart, devoted and connected closely to him.  

This is the throne of grace we are invited to. Like dad's lap, it's not always a photo-op, but it is the safest, best place you'll ever know. Not because of the place itself, but because of your kinship with the one who sits on the throne.

End in Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank you for being a father to us, your children! And the best father, at that. Thank you for the gift of your Son, Jesus, who made a way for me to come back to you, to draw close to the throne of grace with confidence in our relationship. I pray for opportunities and courage to share this invitation with those who are far from you, unaware of the ways building relationship with you can shift how we see your character. Draw me close to you. In Jesus' name I pray, Amen.

Written by

Kimber Gilbert

ACF Devo Team Leader