Daily encouragement

Video by

Mia Carson

ACF Devo Team

dive deeper

Hebrews 10:4

For it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins. (NRSV)

Behind the Scenes

Remember getting in trouble as a kid? Whether it was a fight with a sibling or disagreement on a school playground, I think we’ve all been forced to apologize. If you’re like me, many of these apologies had to be redone when the adult said, “Say it like you mean it!” Of course, I really didn’t. At least not yet. And that’s why it wasn’t a good apology.  

Sometimes I think of the old sacrificial system the same way. Year after year the Jewish people would make sacrifices to atone for and receive forgiveness for their sin - an attempt to make things right between them and God. But of course, they did it year after year. It was the same sin after the same sin. The sacrifice probably wasn’t so much of an “I’m sorry” as it was a reminder of their continued failure to live according to the law. Surely, there must be a better way. Have you felt this same frustration in your relationships with others or with God?

Make it Real

We have the benefit of living after Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross. We know he is the better way. Our attempts, our best efforts, don’t give us what we need to stop sinning. Of course, that doesn’t stop us from trying. I know I tell myself to do better all the time. Hold your tongue longer. Be more patient. Try harder. Give more. It doesn’t usually work. I end up doing things my way, and by that point it’s a more frustrated way that requires a more significant apology and request for forgiveness.  

God intends for us to do things his way, to follow his leading. When we listen to the Spirit of God for direction rather than trying to figure out what we think is better, we bring Kingdom values to Earth. Keep reading down to Hebrews 10:9-10 and see that doing his will is what’s desired. “He takes away the first [sacrifice] to establish the second [obedience].” 1 Samuel 15:22 tells us God desires obedience more than sacrifice.  

All the things I do, and some are great efforts, always fall short of living a holy and sinless life. I need to be tuned in to God for that. I cannot take away my sin; I do not prevent myself from sinning. I need the Holy Spirit of God to remind me of the truth I’ve read in Scripture. I need to listen to and imitate him.

End in Prayer

God, I try hard, but it is never enough. Help me remember you are the only one who can help me live a holy life. Sin is the result of my effort. Righteousness comes from you. Help me be forgiving, the way you have forgiven. Remind me that others are in the same boat as me and help me give them grace. Amen.

Written by

Drew Ames

ACF Devo Team