“For by a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified.”
This week in our “Foundations of Faith” series, we are looking at the fact that we are sanctified in Jesus once we come to faith. Being sanctified is both a one-time event and an ongoing process. Sanctified simply means being set apart; we are set apart from our former selves, and set apart as God’s own.
Our verse today speaks specifically of both. First, we’ve been perfected at the moment of our salvation. That does not mean that we are perfect beings – of course we are not and will not be until we enter into our eternal lives in the Kingdom with God. But we are “seen” by God as perfected into His family ~ through the saving blood of Jesus. We are seen without flaw, without blemish, without sin, debt free – BECAUSE Jesus paid for our sin, paid our debt, and perfected us in Him. We are perfectly free from guilt of our sins because Jesus already took that guilt upon Himself and bore it for us.
Secondly, through the power of the Holy Spirit, we are being perfected, sanctified, set apart. As we start our relationship with Jesus and accept His invitation to follow Him, we are endowed with and indwelt by His Helper, the Holy Spirit. Each day we focus on living as Christ lived, we become more like Christ – who was and is perfect in every way. The Holy Spirit convicts us, guides us, corrects us, teaches us, and comforts us in this world. Day-by-day, we become perfected through Him.
WHAT?!? I don’t feel perfect. I feel very flawed, very human, and very unworthy. And all of that is true. In and of myself, I am nothing. I don’t deserve and could never have earned His saving grace.
I’m reminded of that in a very real way this week as I sit on Grand Jury duty. I realize that I am short tempered, judgmental, and not very loving of my fellow humans. In a room of people who are so diverse, from all walks of life and experience, I’m reminded by the Holy Spirit that each of them is made in the image of Christ. They are all HIS children. And while I may feel like I pick things up a little quicker, understand the instructions better, and am more fair and impartial than the next person, these are all lies! I know, these are not very Christian things to think and feel. Trust me, my sinful flesh is raging right now, and as I told a friend, “I’m not fit for human consumption.”
But here’s the difference – I am convicted by the Holy Spirit in these lies. I am weeping at my own evil nature. And as I listen to case after case, I realize that but for the grace of God, I might be one of those being indicted. See, if not for the Holy Spirit to convict me of these thoughts, as He works to sanctify me and make me more like Christ, I might not even think twice about my thoughts. I might think it normal and perfectly fine to think highly of myself and less of other people. And that could lead me to make the same mistakes as many of these being accused.
Here’s what I find and that I am so very thankful for – the more I grow closer to God, the less common these negative thoughts of mine come, I hear the conviction of the Holy Spirit calling me to repent quicker, and the more like Christ I walk. He is in the process of sanctifying me after my saving act of sanctification. Thank You Jesus!
Father God, if not for Your saving grace and Your indwelling Spirit, I would be nothing. Thank You that in You I am sanctified and being sanctified. Lord, please help me to be a better person, to reject the lies of the enemy that I am better than others, to grow closer to Your character, and to lean on you every single day. May everyone I encounter see and experience You through and by Your grace. In Jesus’s name ~ AMEN!