Daily encouragement

Video by

Mia Carson

ACF Devo Team

dive deeper

Ephesians 6:18

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord's people. (NIV)

Behind the Scenes

When I was growing up, I learned quickly that I had to navigate life on my own. Learning to do things on my own encompassed everything, both big and small. I believed that doing life alone meant that I was strong, but I lacked authentic connections with others. I thought I was doing great on the outside; it looked like I had it all together. But on the inside, I was shallow, selfish, and lacked depth. I thought I was showing up and doing all the right things a religious person would do on the outside, but inside, I never really reflected on what it meant to show up and dive into my relationship with Jesus. The truth was, I didn't have a relationship with Jesus, I didn't know the truth, and I didn't have a prayer life.

One of the turning points was when I started going to a young adult group called 1825 at ACF, where the mission is for every person to be known, valued, and connected. As we grew in connection, my eyes were opened to what it means to truly have a relationship with Jesus, and, for me, it started with prayer.

Through prayer, I realized that the habit of doing life on my own wasn’t working for me. It was hindering me from deep relationship with others and with Jesus. Doing life together with others helped me realize that I had been operating under the wrong mindset. As I started to open up and deepen my relationship with others, my relationship with Christ developed through prayer, which looked like deep conversations just like I was having in my relationships with others. It was in these conversations that I began to realize that prayer has so much power.

Make it Real

Prayer is a way of having a conversation with our Father. These conversations allow us to invite God's presence to change things in our lives. It also lets him know what's on our hearts and our minds, but allows him to then change our minds, hearts, and lives, as well. We can't do it on our own apart from Jesus, and prayer helps us learn to rely on him in everything.

Following Jesus’ example is the best way to learn how to talk with him. Jesus' ministry began with prayer (Luke 3:21), so we also should begin all things in prayer. Jesus took time out of his ministry's hustle and bustle to pray. He also prayed at his weakest moment, on the cross. It's easy to pray when we need things, but praying in celebration and joyful times are just as important.

What stops you from diving into a deeper prayer life? Maybe you feel too busy, or there's a layer of doubt, self-reliance, anxiety, distraction, or complacency. Whatever that looks like for you, what if, this week, you took a step of faith and trusted God with something that was on your heart?  

You may be new to praying or aren't quite sure how to pray yet; just know there's no right or wrong way to do it. I encourage you to take a step and begin a conversation with God right now!

End in Prayer

Jesus, thank you for being available whenever we want to talk to you! God, you are a Father who always keeps the door open for us to walk in, and when we open ourselves to a conversation with you, you are always there to listen. Help us always remember to begin all things through prayer, just as Jesus modeled for us. Amen.

Written by

Abbe Truschel

ACF Devo Team