Daily encouragement

Video by

Kendra Cortez

ACF Devo Team

dive deeper

Ephesians 2:8-10

For by grace you have been saved through faith, and this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God – not the result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are what he has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life.

Behind the Scenes

Paul founded the Ephesian church on his second missionary journey, then later returned for a period of nearly three years. He knew these people well. So for him to remind them that they are not saved by their own work is significant. He knows that these people – all people – are incapable of earning salvation through works. It is grace, unmerited favor from God, through faith, confidence in who He is, that saves us.

Paul’s purpose in writing this letter was to help the church understand God’s design for the church and the world. The unity of the church and its efforts are how God reaches the world, which needs to know him. Paul taught how the holy church lives in a hostile world; what we do, and how we do it, matters - not for our salvation necessarily, but for the salvation of others.

Make it Real

I really enjoy watching “fail videos” online. You know the ones: somebody thinks they’re on the cusp of doing some epic stunt or really impressive feat but then totally botch it. It’s funny, because it’s not me. Often times as I’m watching these, some videos come up where the person actually does the incredible thing – and it’s amazing!! The reactions to their success tell me they are just as surprised as me. While their skill was important, there was something greater at play that brought the success – whether that be repetition or chance. And all they could do is be amazed.

I think Christian life is a little like this. Our best efforts at greatness fall flat on their face if not accompanied by the grace and blessing of God. We are equipped with all we need to do pretty remarkable things, but whether or not success occurs depends upon something outside of myself.

In today’s text, Paul is letting the church know that some pretty epic things are in their future because God has put them there. He has already made preparation for success, the church just needs to do the thing. Ya know, you send it, he’ll stick the landing. Then we stand there amazed that it happened.

Your salvation is secured not because of your works. But your works matter because they point others to a big God who can do amazing things. As we are faithful to show Him to others, we get to share in an incredible moment that makes us amazed and speechless. This is the beautiful part of Christian works – God gives to us and others when we give of ourselves to God and others.

End in Prayer

Our Father – I want to see you work in the lives of others through me. I know my works don’t secure my salvation, but I also know you bless us abundantly through our obedience. Help me to be aware of the moments you have prepared to do great through me. Help me respond in faith and then stand in awe of what you’ve done. May your Kingdom grow and Your Name receive the glory. Amen.

Written by

Drew Ames

ACF Devo Team