Daily encouragement

Video by

Kimber Gilbert

ACF Devo Team Leader

dive deeper

Ephesians 1:11-12

In him we were also chosen, having been predestined according to the plan of him who works out everything in conformity with the purpose of his will, in order that we, who were the first to hope in Christ, might be for the praise of his glory.

Behind the Scenes

On the radio I’ve come across segments showcasing sweepstakes winners whose names get picked for an allotment of money or a trip to some sunny destination. Their recorded responses stir the heart - the winners are astonished, speechless, gushing with thank you’s and how the prize will add great value to their lives. The winners were chosen. Don’t we all want to be chosen for something good?

Being a large and bustling trade center, the church of Ephesus consisted of new believers from varying backgrounds. Believers of Jewish descent rubbed shoulders with believers of pagan descent. The friction of their differences probably created a few sparks.

The apostle Paul is writing to the church in Ephesus with the emphasis that those who put their faith in Christ are chosen: to be a part of God’s inheritance, to be a part of God’s family, to bring glory to God. We are made new in Christ, and we are unified in Christ, despite our many differences. The church in Ephesus didn’t need to define their identity through their differences, they needed to be unified because it brought glory to God for the world to see.

Make it Real

Have you ever not been chosen for something? It hurts. It creates doubt. After I graduated college, I was on fire for missions. I wanted to live anywhere but America. I applied to multiple jobs in humanitarian work, but the doors just kept closing. Actually, the doors didn’t even budge. The door that did open for me was to come live with a family in Alaska who had previously served as missionaries. Perhaps, I could be mentored, and this was a steppingstone to my next destination!

Despite having chosen Alaska as my next step to serving elsewhere, I repeatedly questioned what I was doing and why I came here. It felt like I was wasting time. I felt stuck, and, while I had a job that taught me quite a bit about people, it wasn’t the vision I’d had of third world serving. I kept trying to force the next step out the door but couldn’t even find a door.

I left Alaska after just one summer but found myself returning the following one. I left yet again after being accepted into a mission program, only to find God calling me back to Alaska, for the third time! I first chose Alaska thinking it was a mistake, but I see how God worked out relationships, places, and churches that helped establish me further along in what and where God wanted me. It wasn’t until I was able to look back that I see God chose me and worked out all my “mistakes” for his glory and my good.

I love that God does things in ways that don’t make sense to the world. 1 Corinthians 1:27-28 states, “But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise, he chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong. He chose the lowly things of this world and despised things - and things that are not - to nullify the things that are.” I think of how Jesus chose his disciples: average, uneducated fishermen, a despised tax collector, and even a man he knew would ultimately betray him. He chose these men, not to draw attention to themselves, but to bring glory to God.

Do you get stuck in thinking that your mistakes have messed up God’s plan for you? What would it look like if you lived out your life knowing that you were chosen? That what God has for you in the here and now will bring him glory? Would you worship more freely, repent more often, or love those around you more deeply?

Paul wanted those in the church to live with the knowledge that God’s plan was to redeem all people through the identity of his Son, not through what they could or couldn’t bring to the table. When we live knowing that God has chosen us, we have confidence that we can’t mess up his plans or be guilted and shamed that we don’t measure up. God in his grace has shown me that I was where he had me all along, chosen!

End in Prayer

Heavenly Father, thank you for sending your son Jesus, so that I am chosen to partake in your inheritance. Thank you for making a way so that I am made new and adopted into your family. Jesus, may I live in confidence, knowing that you are sovereign and in control and there is nothing I can do to mess up your will. Lord, may I live out my faith walking in the freedom and knowledge that I am chosen. Amen!

Written by

Hollyn Roberts

ACF Devo Team