Daily encouragement

Video by

Chad Smith

ACF Devo Team

dive deeper

Ecclesiastes 7:12

Wisdom is a shelter as money is a shelter, but the advantage of knowledge is this: Wisdom preserves those who have it. (NIV)

Behind the Scenes

Ever had that moment when you pull up the bank account, and your heart just kind of drops? In my experience, that shock is usually fear-based...because I so often think of money as my shelter.  

This verse in Ecclesiastes 7 tells us that, in many ways, money can in fact be a shelter from the hardships of this world. You probably know that to be true. Instead of arguing that money isn't actually a shelter, the writer just points us to a far better shelter for our lives: wisdom.  

This might sound like a cop-out at first. It's one thing to say something else is better than money when you don't have much money in the first place! But Solomon, who either wrote or at least inspired the "teacher" of Ecclesiastes, had the experience with both wisdom and wealth to make a true comparison judgment here. He wasn't merely saying one is better because he didn't have the other. As a man gifted with insane wealth and incredible wisdom, Solomon had seen that, while money can shelter a person, so can wisdom. And the added benefit of wisdom is this: rather than corroding away at the heart of the one who relies on it, wisdom actually preserves and brings life to those who allow it to be their shelter.  

Make it Real

As we embark on this series, A Deeper Life through Generosity, may we begin by examining the place that money holds in our hearts. I invite you to ask yourself this question today: is money my shelter?  

If you find your answer to be yes, allow God to speak to you this morning like a loving parent: Yes, money can be a shelter, it's true. But what's even better? Walking in the way of wisdom. Proverbs 28:26 says, "Whoever trusts in his own mind is a fool, but he who walks in wisdom will be delivered."  

But what does it mean to walk in wisdom? Throughout the writings of Solomon, wisdom is equated with the presence and guidance of the Lord over our lives. And as New Testament followers of Jesus, we have the added grace of the Holy Spirit over our lives. When we allow him to "govern" our lives, as Romans 8:6 says, we will walk in life and peace.  

If you feel convicted this morning that your heart relies on money to bring you life, peace, and comfort more than you rely on the Lord for these things, I invite you to spend a moment confessing that to God right now. It's not that money is evil; in fact, God uses it to bring shelter to our lives in many important ways. But consider this morning, what guides your steps? Does money drive your decisions through fear or greed, or are you allowing God to guide and shelter you through the wisdom HE provides?

End in Prayer

Lord, I confess that my heart is often drawn to rely on the money in my bank account rather than the wisdom your Spirit wants to pour out on my life. Holy Spirit, cleanse my heart to see that your wisdom is so much better at ruling my life and sheltering my soul than the wealth of this world. I trust you alone. In Jesus' name, amen.

Written by

Kimber Gilbert

ACF Devo Team Leader