Daily encouragement

Video by

Chris Jarvis

ACF Devo Team

dive deeper

Deuteronomy 10:17-18

For the Lord your God is the God of gods and Lord of lords. He is the great God, the mighty and awesome God, who shows no partiality and cannot be bribed. He ensures that orphans and widows receive justice. He shows love to the foreigners living among you and gives them food and clothing.

Behind the Scenes

Prior to our focus versus in Deut. 10:17-18, it’s important to know that Moses had just made his second trip up the mountain with a new set of tablets God had instructed him to make. The reason Moses had to go back for another set of tablets is because he threw the first set to the ground when he saw the people of Israel worshiping a golden calf. It was at that point, because of their sin, that God wanted to destroy the people of Israel and build a new people from Moses’ decedents. We pick up the story here where God gives a call of love and obedience to the people of Israel, and He further shares with them His power over all things and love for ALL His people.

Make it Real

Moses’ description of God’s call to love and obedience makes me think of our own church’s mission statement, to “Amplify the grace of Jesus to the churched, unchurched and dechurched.” Have you heard this said before? In my opinion, there’s no statement that more clearly captures God’s directive and includes everyone. In verses 17-19 of Deuteronomy 10, God tells us we must show love to foreigners and to increase and extend what God has given to those that believe, to others. I would call this amplifying grace, wouldn’t you? But what is God telling us about what it means for the churched, unchurched and dechurched?


First let’s take a look at what each of these categories mean. The Churched. I would say these are practicing believers who attended a fellowship on a regular basis. The Dechurched. These are the people that have heard the word and have accepted Christ as their Savior but for whatever reason have turned away from the body of fellowship. Finally, the Unchurched. I would call these the people that have or maybe have not heard the good news of the gospel but have not committed to following Christ yet. Do you see yourself in one of these categories? Truth be told, I have been in all three at some period of my life.


I think we can draw a parallel between the people of Israel and the churched (believers) of today. I believe what God is telling us through this passage, is that as He is good and as He takes care of others, so we must also. Deut.10:19, So you, too, must show love…”. By doing this, we are sharing God’s beautiful grace and love with those that have lost their connection with the body of believers and those who have never had that connection. We are displaying God’s character today just like He asked the people of Israel to do. Will you do it?

End in Prayer

Lord, we praise Your most Holy Name. We come before You as a body of believers and ask that we live the example that You have given us and that we share our faith and take care of those that have lost their way and those that are yet to come. That we would show Your character as a church body, amen.

Written by

Chris Meyer

ACF Devo Team