“He rescues and saves; he performs signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth. He has rescued Daniel from the power of the lions.” (NIV)
What is the most dramatic rescue you’ve ever witnessed? When I asked myself this question, it was only a few moments before I was taken back in my mind to a sunny day on a beach in Mexico during my honeymoon. My new husband and I watched as a middle-aged father was pulled out to sea while his family stood on the shore and screamed for help. I remember watching helplessly and praying for a rescuer, knowing I couldn’t do it myself, and begging my spouse to run for help instead of diving into the water himself. Thanks be to God that the cries for help were answered, and a boat came from nearby to pull the man from the ocean that would have surely claimed his life.
I’ve told that story many times in the 20 years since it happened. Usually as a cautionary tale about obeying posted signs and the danger of riptides, not the miracle that was the rescue that day. But I’ve seen and heard of many other dramatic rescues where in the retelling I focus on the One who did the rescuing – the friend my age who has beaten aggressive colon cancer; the adoptive mom who had all but given up hope for the legal papers to be signed in Uganda, yet miraculously they were completed in time; or the marriage on the brink of divorce when God orchestrated unique circumstances to bring about hope and restoration. Sometimes we can see so clearly that it was a loving God who rescued the person or situation because there was just no other way, like the boat that came for the man almost lost at sea. When we share and retell the stories of God’s rescue mission, he is glorified, and people are strengthened in their faith.
One such rescue story is found in the book of Daniel. Daniel was an Israelite in exile in Babylon. Because of his integrity and good work, he was trusted by King Darius. But Daniel’s co-workers, the satraps, or provincial governors, were jealous of Daniel and plotted to take him down. The Bible tells us that he was so virtuous that they were forced to use his faith in God as the only thing they could find against him. The satraps convinced king Darius to make a rule that only he could be worshipped and then turned Daniel in for worshiping the one true God. The punishment was death by hungry lions. Now God rescuing Daniel from being eaten in the lions’ den is the most famous part of this story, but what I noticed this time in studying it is that King Darius was watching and wanting Daniel to be rescued. The Bible says the king “was determined to rescue Daniel” (v. 14), knowing Daniel was a righteous man who didn’t deserve to die from his dumb decree. Knowing he had to uphold his law; he gave the order for Daniel to be thrown into the lions’ den. But the king said, ‘May your God, whom you serve continually, rescue you.” (v.16b) After a sleepless night, the king asks if Daniel’s God was able to save him.
Daniel’s reply is his testimony of rescue “My God sent his angel, and he shut the mouths of the lions.” (v.22) Daniel’s rescue becomes a witness of God’s faithfulness. King Darius, who previously mandated that his subjects worship him, then writes a degree for the whole kingdom, which praises God and declares his greatness as witnessed by Daniel’s rescue.
When God rescues us there is an opportunity to return the glory to the rescuer as we share the story. People are watching your life to see what God will do in and through you. It may not always end with a boat, a son, a saved marriage or cancer remission, but there’s always opportunity to testify to what God has done to sustain and protect you in the valley, the storm, the lions’ den of your life.
How and with whom can you share your story of how God has rescued you? It could be from some physical disaster or how God rescued your soul from eternal separation from him. Who is watching your life and needs to hear about God’s faithfulness, power and love?
Oh God, our rescuer, you are mighty to save, and you are our strong tower in times of trouble. Forgive us for not proclaiming how great you are, in all seasons of our lives and for sharing about the times you’ve saved us. Please give us boldness to share the big and small stories of how you’ve rescued us so the faith of others may increase. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.