For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities--all things were created through him and for him. (ESV)
Throughout my house there are a few artsy signs that I have created. Over the years there have been a few instances in which a friend has encouraged me to make a business of sign making; but nothing in me has ever wanted to make money from this little hobby. In fact, the few times friends have asked me to make them a sign, I will happily gift one to them. In part, I do not feel my creations are worth selling; but I also believe that if I made a business of my artwork, it would likely become work rather than flow from desire or creativity. It is likely I would no longer derive the pleasure I get from seeing the work of my hands displayed in various places around my house. You could say my creations are made by me and for me.
Admittedly this hobby is nowhere near a perfect parallel; but as I wrestled with the part of our scripture that says, “all things were created through him and for him,” this comparison made the most sense to me. Similar to how I make things just for my home for my enjoyment, God created everything as he too derives pleasure from seeing the work of his hands on display.
If I am honest, the words “for him” messed with me. On the surface, they sound a bit like God is self-absorbed, but I know God’s character to be generous, loving, kind, and a thousand other similar descriptions, so the initial impression of this scripture could not be all there was. Today’s scripture is only one of many times the Bible mentions that all creation was made through him and for him. Isaiah 43:7 is one such verse which states in part, “… I have made them for my glory. It was I who created them.’” What does it mean that we were created by God, for God or for his glory?
We see throughout the Bible that the LORD delights in his people, such as Psalm 149:4 and Psalm 37:23. While I love the picture of God delighting in his creation, we must understand that the point of creation is the Creator, not the created. We, as his created beings, bring him glory. It is likely, you have gazed at a gorgeous sunset, or snuggled a sweet newborn baby, or marveled at a breathtaking scene from a mountain top and were just overcome with gratefulness for God’s blessings. So, God made us beings that are capable to think and feel, to also delight in him and praise him for all he has made. No other artist can claim that their creations love them back.
Lest you’re still lost in the weeds on this idea that God made us for himself, it seems appropriate to back up a minute and remind ourselves who God is, a teeny fraction of what he has done, and why he is deserving of the glory he desires from his creation. Consider with me for a moment the precise uniqueness of so many plants and animals. Many are so nuanced and intricate that scientists have a hard time classifying them. What about the sheer variety of trees with their defining characteristics, but distinct differences that make each completely unique. Try looking up the “Bottle Tree” or a “Monkey Puzzle Tree” for some of God’s unbelievable creativity. Also consider the way God placed the earth at exactly the perfect distance from the sun so that we would not burn up or freeze. He placed an atmosphere around us so we could have the warmth of the sun even at night when we face away from it. Even on the minute level, God’s bigness is seen. Our cells, for instance, pack extremely detailed codes in our DNA that make each of us exactly who we are from eye color to personality.
I could go on for days, as these few things are just barely a scratch on the surface of what we KNOW about creation. This doesn’t even begin to touch the vast number of things that remain a mystery to us. Can you even begin to fathom how God did any of it? Your answer is likely a resounding, “NOPE!” Since I cannot fathom how or why God authored the vastness of space to the microscopic proportions of DNA; I will marvel at all of it along with all of creation. God is so vast, so complex, yet so intimate, we cannot help but praise him and bring him glory for who he is. You were created by God, for God. How will you bring him glory today?
God, you are too great to comprehend. Our words fail us. You’re so big, it hurts our brains to try to grasp you. You’re so detailed and interested in the unseen smallness of the world, we do not even come close to discovering all you have created. God, we praise you for who you are and all you have done. The fact that you love us, and desire to be with us is mind-blowing. God, let us never stop being amazed by you and bringing you the glory you deserve.