Daily encouragement

Video by

Daniel Hannah

ACF Worship Team

dive deeper

Acts 6

And they stirred up the people and the elders and the scribes, and they came upon him and seized him and brought him before the council, and they set up false witnesses who said, “This man never ceases to speak words against this holy place and the law.” (ESV)

Behind the Scenes

You might be asking: what in the world is going on in this passage? Well, I’m glad you asked. Jesus’ followers are spreading from a small region in Israel into the entire Mediterranean. Even though God’s Kingdom is working and moving, people are still people, and clashing cultures and racism between the Greeks and Jews are high during this time of expansion.

In response to these challenges, the disciples set up a group of seven leaders to be the peacekeepers, manage their food provisions, and help the elderly.

Now you might think, cool, problem solved! Well…let’s keep going. Stephen, one of these seven leaders, is doing amazing things for the Kingdom. Acts 6 says that “he was full of grace and power and doing great wonders and signs.” Stephen is in the zone to do God’s work! As Jesus tells us will happen, these things begin to attract negative attention from zealous religious figures.

This brings us to today’s passage. These religious leaders are flustered and begin to argue with Stephen. I’m sure they bring a well-thought-out argument, but Acts says they can’t withstand the wisdom and Spirit with which Stephen speaks. You know this made their blood boil with hate, so they pay people to lie about what he is saying and bring false accusations against him.  

They are able to bring him to trial, and as Stephen stands before them, it is described that “his face was like the face of an angel” (Acts 6:15).

Make it Real

How many of us have been in a spot where someone is talking badly about us? Or had rumors spread against us? I can vividly remember what I can only describe as fire welling up in me when an old boss attacked my leadership. I felt like a failure. I remember the feeling of, well, fine. If you don’t like me, I’ll just give up and only do my job but nothing more. There have been other times when I would quickly get worked up and start getting defensive. In my head I would think, I want to make sure they know without a shadow of a doubt why they are wrong. I have never had a mirror in those moments, but I can guarantee my face did not resemble an angel—I probably looked more like an angry animal.

Stephen, despite the fiery feelings that accusation can bring, draws closer to the Spirit. And the Spirit comes spilling out of him. How many times in the Gospels do we see Jesus interact with people that are coming at him hot, yet he interacts with grace and love and always speaks of the gospel?

How many times do we see examples in the Bible – Noah building the ark, Daniel and the lion’s den, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego in the fiery furnace, Esther going to talk to the King. Each one stood firm in their faith in a very uncomfortable position, and God did amazing things through it. Stephen stood firm in a spot that was very uncomfortable, one that led to his death, holding fast to his identity in God. When he did, the people around him saw Heaven on Earth.

When we face the trials that this world throws at us, we can easily fall into and operate out of our comfort zone. Maybe it’s something like stress eating or isolating away from community. Or maybe its anger. Or alcohol. Or maybe it’s a denying of Jesus, and like Peter you completely turn away from him and hide your faith. I believe Christ calls us out of our comfort zone to face the trials head on with the same boldness and grace that was given to Stephen. When we step out into the uncomfortable in faith, through grace we show our community Jesus.

End in Prayer

God, you have given us a new identity, an identity firmly grounded in you. God, as I walk through this life and face the trials it will inevitably throw at me, give me more of your Spirit to stand up and face the arrows of the enemy with a boldness only you can provide. Give us eyes to see where we are falling back into a comfortable pattern and give us a spirit to step into something that may be uncomfortable. Amen.

Written by

Brandon Matlock

ACF Devo Team