Daily encouragement

Video by

Kendra Cortez

ACF Devo Team

dive deeper

Acts 2

All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved. (Acts 2:44-47, NIV)

Behind the Scenes

Well, here we are, the beginning of our series, A Deeper Life through Discomfort, and the very last series in the Deeper Life theme. It’s been a year. We’ve talked about the deeper life through identity, calling, sexuality, and even generosity. So why end with discomfort? Because anything worthwhile in life is going to cost us something, and our faith is no different.

Over this past year, I know I’ve been pulled into some very uncomfortable places in my walk. God calling me deeper through my identity, my calling, my finances...it’s been challenging and uncomfortable at times (many times). And in fact, I think that’s the point. We rarely grow in our comfort zones — it’s when we step out, through faith and in the power of Holy Spirit, into things that make us squirm. That’s where we grow.

I can’t imagine the early believers were completely comfortable either, “Selling their possessions and goods, and giving to anyone as he had need.” Would you be? I don’t think they were completely comfortable “meeting together in the temple courts.” They still had enemies, and they still had people trying to keep this “Jesus” thing from going anywhere.

I don’t completely understand it, for sure. I mean, I’d be hard pressed to sell everything I had and give to those around me. How must God have gotten ahold of those believers’ hearts to woo them to a place of becoming a lowly servant to those around them. Oh, but isn’t that what Jesus did?

Make it Real

You might be thinking, yeah, but Colleen, things are different now than they were back then. We don’t live in the same world. You’re right; we don’t. But I know a couple (in fact we prayed for them a couple of weeks ago) who sold just about everything they had, loaded up their family, and moved from Alaska to Oregon because God called them to plant a church there. I think there might have been some discomfort in that…

I know another couple who sold everything they had and moved from Atlanta to Alaska because God called them here (thank God for Pastor Cody and Mary). I think there might have been some discomfort in that…

If you were to talk to either of these couples, I think what you would hear, more than the discomfort, is the absolute blessing of walking in obedience to God — even through the trials and hardships. Following Jesus was not easy for them in this situation, but they embraced the discomfort that following him can bring — and I bet they would say they would do it all again.

We’re not all called to sell everything we have and move across the country, thank you Jesus, because I love Alaska. But maybe you’re called to pray for that stranger in the store — yeah, that’s uncomfortable. Maybe you’re being called to give for the first time to the church — of course that’s uncomfortable. Maybe you’re being called to open your home and host a group — that will take some sacrifice and cause discomfort for sure. Whatever it is that God is calling you to, do it like the first believers: “with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people” and know that it will be a life truly worth living.

End in Prayer

Father God, it’s not always comfortable following you and walking in obedience. Give us courage and strength for those times we would rather just pay for our groceries and move on. Lord, open our hands from our finances and help us turn to you when we’re stressed about paying bills, but we still choose to give. Holy Spirit, show us the people who need community as much as we do and make us brave enough to embrace the discomfort. Jesus, through you we can do all things. In your powerful and loving name ~ AMEN!

Written by

Colleen McGeorge

ACF Groups Coordinator