Daily encouragement

Video by

Liz Hoffman

ACF Global Staff

dive deeper

Acts 13

On the next Sabbath almost the whole city gathered to hear the word of the Lord. When the Jews saw the crowds, they were filled with jealousy. They began to contradict what Paul was saying and heaped abuse on him. Then Paul and Barnabas answered them boldly: “We had to speak the word of God to you first. Since you reject it and do not consider yourselves worthy of eternal life, we now turn to the Gentiles.” (Acts 13:44-46, NIV)

Behind the Scenes

Have you ever been super excited about something new, and you try to get all your family members and friends to join you? Maybe it’s a new TV show you’ve discovered on Netflix that you want all your roommates to binge watch with you. Or you’ve taken a new spin class at the gym and the instructor is so motivating, you’re trying to convince your co-workers to come along. For my husband, it’s a new tool he has purchased off Amazon that is so amazing, he then tries to persuade all his friends to also get one.  

When we find something we love that makes our lives better or more enjoyable, we naturally want to share it with others. Many of the early Christians had encountered something so profound and life-changing, they were motivated to travel far from their homes to share the good news about Jesus with as many people as they could. In the book of Acts, we read about the successes and the obstacles faced by new believers as they went out to share the gospel.  

Make it Real

In the beginning of Chapter 13 of Acts, Paul (formerly Saul) and Barnabas are commissioned by the Holy Spirit “for the work to which I have called them” (v. 2). Their community had been praying and fasting, and the Spirit spoke a word of anointing over these two men’s lives. They go on to do some miraculous things and speak to large crowds, many of whom are eager to hear about Jesus. But in our verses today, we see that they also faced opposition. Their own people, the Jews, were jealous; they contradicted what they were saying and “heaped abuse” on them. How disheartening! How frustrating! Rather than question God’s calling, throw in the towel, and return home, they persisted in evangelizing by shifting their focus to the Gentiles, people who were not of Jewish descent.  

Now, Jesus had already opened the gates to ministering to Gentiles by his own example. He healed a Canaanite woman’s daughter and the Roman centurion’s servant. He asked the Samaritan woman at the well for a drink and then revealed to her his identity as the Messiah and Living Water she needed. These are just a few of the many times Jesus interacted with Gentiles during his time on Earth. Jesus made it clear by his actions that not only Jews could receive salvation by faith in him, but all people.

In the face of persecution for their choice to follow Jesus’ example, what might have helped Paul and Barnabas continue in their work for the Lord? I believe it was likely because they had been specifically called to it, their community had laid hands on them and sent them off with encouragement and hope. They believed so deeply in what they were sharing, and they trusted God with the outcome of their work so as not to be dissuaded by opposition and rejection.

Whether you are a new believer on fire for Jesus or someone who has attended church since birth, our commission is to reach people with the gospel. There will certainly be people in your life who are indifferent to your faith or even hostile toward this Savior that you’ve pledged your life to follow. Do you trust that God has called you by name to follow him and that HE will soften hearts and send you to the people who will be receptive to the gospel message? May God empower you to speak boldly and to persevere in faith because he is the one who is sending you out to proclaim the good news.

End in Prayer

God, I pray that today you would help me to proclaim your truth boldly. Even in my silent actions, may my life point others toward you. Give me a humble heart to share my testimony of what you’ve done in my life. Please open my eyes to see the people who need to hear about you and not let my own biases get in the way of who I witness to in my sphere of influence. Help me to trust your leadership and to lead with love. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Written by

Katie Townley

ACF Devo Team