And we all, who with unveiled faces contemplate the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his image with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.
Do you remember Transformers in the 80’s? They were cars or trucks that transformed into robots. They were like two toys in one. They were a huge hit, and a very successful movie franchise followed. The toys sold initially for less than $10 each and now, the entire enterprise is worth over 50 billion dollars. Wow!! Somehow, I missed that craze, probably because I was a college student in the 80’s.
God likes to do some transforming of his own, but it doesn’t involve toys or movies. He desires to transform our hearts and our lives into his image. God is for us. He deeply loves us and has a purpose for each of us; not for our glory but for his own. We have a choice though. God doesn’t force himself on us. We have to allow him to change us from the inside. What do you think about that? Do you allow him access? Do I?
When we follow Jesus with a pure and open heart, we cannot help but be changed. We will become more like Christ, and who doesn’t want that? 2 Cor. 5:17 says, “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!”
So how does this happen? There’s a lot here in today’s verse. I had to read it several times to wrap my head around what Paul was saying. It may be helpful to go over some key words that show up in this verse and break it down a bit to make more sense.
Unveiled faces - our heart has turned to the Lord, the veil (or barrier) is gone; we have open and direct access
Contemplate - meditate; look thoughtfully for a long time; think profoundly at length
Glory - high renown or honor; magnificence
If we back up a bit, Paul talks about Moses having a veil (see Exodus 34:29-35) and how even today some people have a veil over their hearts. Verse 16 says, “But when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed.” Verse 17 tell us that “Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” The veil precedes, or even blocks freedom. This veil, representing the barrier of sin between us and God, prevents us from clearly seeing what God is doing. It also keeps us from freedom in Christ. Christ, though, has destroyed the veil, allowing us to come to God unveiled and unhindered through our new life in Christ.
So, what about God’s glory? I understand the glory of God to a degree, but I’ve always gotten hung up on bringing glory to God. How do we do that? Do you ever think about his glory? Do I meditate on who he is? When we stop and do that – contemplate the Lord’s glory – then change can happen. Contemplating his glory will change us! It’s not all about me or even for me, but for HIM alone, that his glory in and through me might increase.
Our transformation by Christ is a living testimony that can also prompt transformation in the world around us as we live out the values of his Kingdom. We will love more deeply, see things with a new perspective, and respond to difficulty in a different manner. Others should recognize Christ in us. Lord, let it be so!
Dear Lord, I am so thankful for the direct access I have to you because of Christ. Help me not to take that lightly. I praise you for the Holy Spirit residing inside me and guiding me. Continue to transform my heart and life into exactly what you have for me. I am yours, Lord; use me. I desire for others see Christ in me. I want you to get the glory, not me. Amen.