Daily encouragement

Video by

Chad Smith

ACF Devo Team

dive deeper

1 Samuel 16:13

So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David. Samuel then went to Ramah. (NIV)

Behind the Scenes

What is my calling? Have you ever wondered this? It's easy to mysticize and dramatize the idea of a calling from God on our lives, but sometimes we overthink it! I'm excited to dig into this new series, A Deeper Life through Calling, over the next few weeks because a better understanding of calling is just one way we can walk in the deeper life with Jesus.

As we study the life of David, we'll see that calling isn't just a dream job you might snag someday. God's calling on your life is so much bigger, broader, and richer than we often think. See, it would be easy to assume that David wasn't walking in his calling until he finally became King David. Wasn't being king God's call on his life?  

Certainly, it was, but David's call was so much more than that, too. In fact, we all have many types of callings on our lives from God. First, as followers of Jesus, we have a shared calling to go and make disciples (Matt. 28:19). It doesn't matter whether you're in your dream job or just getting by, that call never changes, and it applies to all of us. If you struggle with not feeling like you know what God's call is on your life, start here: go and make disciples!

God will often put smaller or seasonal calls on our lives, as well. David was called to be king, but before that he was called into a season of waiting. Does that mean that he wasn't walking in his calling just because he hadn't taken the throne yet? Had God somehow messed up the plan? No way. David was right where God wanted him. Maybe you know a bit what this feels like, too.

And finally, you do have a specific call on your life from God! Maybe you're walking in it now, or maybe you have no idea what it is. Likely, it's way more complex than you'd expect and probably doesn't look anything like you thought it would! But no matter where you're at when it comes to this whole calling business, here's what I hope you walk away with today: You don't have to wait for any special position. You, my friend, can walk in your calling from day one. Here's how...

Make it Real

Even as David walked toward the primary calling on his life, to be king of Israel, he was already walking as one called by God. 1 Samuel 16 tells the story of the prophet Samuel finding the one whom God wanted to be the next king of Israel. Samuel's job was to anoint this person as king, even though there was still a king on the throne, Saul. Clearly, calling is more than just a job position! Verse 13 reveals what it really is: "So Samuel took the horn of oil and anointed him in the presence of his brothers, and from that day on the Spirit of the Lord came powerfully upon David."

See, being called by God and anointed to carry out that work is not about a job title; it's about the presence of God in our lives. In David's day, God would send his Spirit on his anointed leaders in varying capacities. Today, we as followers of Jesus have this gift already (Acts 2:38)! The question is, are you walking in step with him? Galatians 5:16 tells us to "walk habitually in the [Holy] Spirit [seek Him and be responsive to His guidance]" (AMP). This is the true measure of walking in our callings.  

By this measure, long before David sat on a throne, while he was still tending sheep and didn't know a thing about being king, he was walking in his calling because he was being led powerfully by the Holy Spirit.  

Friends, this can be you today, too. If you are a follower of Jesus, you have the gift of the promised Holy Spirit - the very spirit of the Living God - living in you! Be it our collective call to go and make disciples, a seasonal or smaller call just for today, or a more specific call God has placed on your life, by HIS anointing alone, we can walk in our callings today!

End in Prayer

Father God, thank you for sending us your Spirit, that we can walk in obedience in the calls you've placed on our lives, whatever that might look like in this moment. Lord, help us to trust you for the season you have us in, confident you have called us to important work. We love you, Amen!

Written by

Kimber Gilbert

ACF Devo Team Leader