Daily encouragement

Video by

Justin Miller

ACF Devo Team

dive deeper

1 John 1:5-7

This is the message we have heard from Him and announce to you, that God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship with Him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth; but if we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from all sin. (NASB)

Behind the Scenes

Have you seen the ACF Christmas lights? I love the candy cane poles of lights, the inflatables, and the festive atmosphere. I also love the joy of those welcoming visitors each evening. This is a great picture of fellowship! Groups of ACFers fellowshipped while putting all the lights up in October, enjoy one another’s company while sharing the lights every night in December, and will continue to bond over the process of taking them down and putting them away for next year.  

There’s something wonderful about beautiful lights burning through the darkness. And we know darkness – there's plenty of physical darkness in Alaska, though we are past the shortest day and starting to regain light. But there’s also spiritual and emotional darkness. The best way to combat darkness is with light. John tells us in I John 1:5 that “God is Light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.” THE Christmas Light, Jesus, pierces spiritual darkness. Christmas lights pierce physical darkness, and the light of Christian fellowship brings joy and light into our lives.

We were created for community. We aren’t designed to do life alone, and we all have a need to share life with someone or a group of someones. We might not love large groups, but we do need to be known and connected.  

Make it Real

John writes about “fellowship.” Fellowship may seem like a church word – but according to Webster’s dictionary, it simply means “a friendly relationship among people; companionship; company.” If we go back two verses to I John 1:3, John clarifies that the fellowship he is writing about is with each other, but also “our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son, Jesus Christ.” We are invited to join in community with the God of Heaven and with his Son. How is this even possible? Truly, it is only possible because of the gift God offers us through his Son, Jesus, who gives us forgiveness and redemption.

“If we walk in the light,” John writes, “as He Himself is in the Light, we will have fellowship with one another.” John starts this phrase with a conditional word - if. We must choose light over darkness; walking over staying put. Sometimes it’s easier to be stagnant in the darkness than it is to get up and walk into the light. The amazing thing, though, about light is that it spreads. A candle flame flickers and casts lights far beyond its small flame. A flashlight or headlamp can cast a wide swath of light on a dark night. The moon shines down upon the snow of winter and lights the darkness on cold winter nights. Light is hard to contain! So is the light and joy of fellowship.

So, back to the joy of fellowship, which is so evident when experiencing the ACF Christmas lights (and don’t get me started on New Year’s Eve Fireworks!). When communities of Jesus followers are doing life together – in small and large groups – there is truth, love, joy, and light. And this doesn’t stay hidden – it spills over into our larger communities! Others who are not yet part of these fellowship groups begin to see and hear of them, and they overhear conversations and witness the unique care and joy within these fellowships. The light of Christian fellowship can pierce through darkness – physical and spiritual. The light of Jesus is on display in community and spreads! Let’s keep the light of Jesus on display and keep announcing who he is as we gather and display his love and light! Keep the Christmas lights and The Christmas Light burning!

End in Prayer

God of Light, thank you for your Son, and for sending a host of angels in light to announce his birth. With these reminders of your light and love in mind, help us to focus not only on celebrating the gift of Jesus this week but also announcing it to others and letting your light be on display through the fellowship you’ve given us with other believers. Thank you for those you’ve given us to do life with. For anyone feeling they are missing out on community, or who is suffering from darkness, Lord, help them seek and find the joy of fellowship. We thank you and praise you for lighting our darkness. Amen.

Written by

Kristin Smoot

ACF Devo Team