Daily encouragement

Video by

Kimber Gilbert

ACF Devo Team Leader

dive deeper

1 Corinthians 3:7

So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. (NIV)

Behind the Scenes

We like to think we’re a big deal sometimes, don’t we?  We are not!! We play an important part, and we all have a role in the Kingdom of God, but this all falls apart when we are focused on trying to be number one. Jesus was all about serving others, and so is Paul, especially in today’s passage.

The early church was really taking off and growing, but it was far from perfect. Paul gets onto them for being worldly and calls them babies because of their lack of maturity. Nobody wants to be called a baby. Leaders and servants were finding their role and rhythm, but the church wanted to choose sides. Paul tries to be an encouragement by reminding them that one person is not more important than another and everyone has a role. “Teamwork makes the dream work,” so I've heard.  

Today’s verse reminds us that it is God who makes the difference. He is the one who makes things grow. Yes, the workers are important, but it wouldn’t happen without God.

Make it Real

It can be easier to be humble when we are serving others, but it’s still not always easy. Being a servant is often thought of as lowly and akin to slavery, so we tend to shy away. But servanthood is God’s goal for us. Are you up for the task? Am I?

Choosing to rest in God yet serve the church sounds like a conflicting call, doesn’t it?  It is a delicate balance for sure, but Paul is a great example of someone who served sacrificially while relying entirely on God for his rest and sustainment. Do you take a sabbath rest? It doesn’t have to look a certain way. I split mine over Saturday and Sunday. I sleep in a bit on both mornings. I do some tasks around the house on Saturday but in the afternoon, I try to do something fun that I enjoy. Sunday mornings are for corporate worship and fellowshipping with other believers. Sometimes I run errands in the afternoon, but both evenings are for relaxing with my family. The attitude of our heart is even more important than our actions. There is no one way to practice sabbath. Ask God to show you what sabbath could look like for you.

End in Prayer

Dear Lord, help us to find Your rhythm and not to be stuck in ours. Show us how and when to rest so that we are ready to serve our fellow believers. We want to know what tasks You have for us and not to be busy for busy sake. Help us to be Jesus wherever we go. In His name, Amen.

Written by

Valerie Sheaffer

ACF Devo Team