Check out the campus, dates, and service times for Easter this year! We don’t have to fear death because of the resurrection!!
easter timesAre you looking for people to connect with and build community? Don’t do life alone! At ACF, there is a place for you to belong. We are located in Eagle River, Alaska.
Learn more about ACFWe are so excited you are here! Learn more about our services and how to get connected today.
Our serve teams at ACF Church are a group of incredible people that have discovered their gifts and passions and are actively serving at ACF.
With a strong community of friends, you can laugh, grow, and serve with people who genuinely care about you. These groups may be formed around a life stage, topic, activity, or common interests.
We exist to be on mission for our community. We want to see it be in Alaska as in Heaven.
ACF Kids is more than just childcare. It is church JUST FOR KIDS! Kids enjoy age-appropriate praise and worship, Bible stories, and activities.