Daily encouragement

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dive deeper

Psalm 145:3

“Great is the Lord, and highly to be praised; and His greatness is unsearchable.”

Behind the Scenes

One of my favorite passages of Scripture that describes our amazing God is Psalm 145. If you want a word-dump of descriptions of Him, this chapter is packed FULL! So often in our busy lives we miss the truth of who God is. We also live in a culture and a time that has skewed the true image of God. As such, people all over the world have become confused or mistaken about who God really is, what His true characteristics are, and how we can relate to Him.  

So, for the next three weeks, we are going to take time to dig into the descriptions of Psalm 145 to learn more about the amazing God we serve. This list is by no means all-inclusive of His endless traits. But I believe that as we slowly pick through each verse, we will begin to get a more accurate and fuller picture of our God that can serve as a launching pad for a deeper, life-long study of Him.

Today we are looking at verse 3 and I want to draw our attention to the fact that the Psalmist says that God’s greatness is unsearchable. The word translated “greatness” here is the Hebrew word gedula. This word is more than just a statement about size, it is a statement about grandeur. It is a statement about how eminent, how big, how all-encompassing God is.  

But what does it mean that God’s greatness is unsearchable? Does that mean that we can’t know Him or understand Him? Does it mean He is far off or distant? By no means! We serve a good and gracious God who has revealed Himself to us through His word, through the person of Christ, and through the Holy Spirit. God is ever reaching into our reality to show Himself.  

In fact, Psalm 19 tells us that even the heavens declare the glory of God and Romans 1 tells us that from the beginning of time, God has been displaying His truth and His attributes through all of His creation. But here is the amazing thing- THERE IS ALWAYS MORE! There is always more of God to discover. We will never out-search our eternal God. We will never outthink Him, never out-create Him. His greatness is unsearchable- meaning there is no end to it!  

Make it Real

So why does this matter beyond a cool fact about our God? I think it matters because all too often our enemy feeds us lies that tell us that God can’t or won’t. The struggles and the challenges of life happen and he whispers that God isn’t big enough to handle this. Oh, he might not say it in those words, but the message is there and we believe it. We buy the lie that “God helps those who help themselves” or that it is our job to “chart our own destiny”. We get discouraged by the size of the obstacle and can sometimes believe that God has forgotten us.  

But, friends, there is nothing small about our God. There is nothing limited or lacking. He is bigger than our mortal brains could ever comprehend. All too often, we are guilty of putting Him in a box of our own making, deciding what He can and cannot touch, fix, or heal. But in the end, those limitations are not God’s limitations- their ours.  

I know this is true for me. I have had so many times when I looked at a problem and unconsciously decided it was too big to bring to God. I assumed that I needed to figure it out, I needed to find the solution, and I needed to search for the answers. But time and time again, my loving Father gently reminds me that He is not daunted by the big things in my life. In fact, they are not big to Him at all. He is the God who breathes out stars- NOTHING is impossible for Him.  

And when I bring Him my whole life, struggles and all, He is able and willing to hold me completely in the palm of His hand. And He is able to fully do so while fully holding you and every other person throughout all of existence- HE’S THAT BIG! He is able to be fully, intimately, and uniquely acquainted with every aspect of me while still being able to do that for everyone else. HE IS THAT BIG! He is able to fully care for my needs while still being able to fully care for the needs of everyone else. HE IS THAT BIG! And His love for me is so big, so full, and so complete that it never waivers or fades. And His love for you is the same.  

Friends, our God is more than just great. He is HUGE. He is bigger and grander than anything we could ever even try to imagine. So, let’s rest in that today. Let’s trust the truth that the amazing God of the universe is big enough to be everything we need Him to be and more.  

End in Prayer


When I sit and try to truly comprehend how grand You actually are, I am in awe of my inability to fully see it. You are so much bigger than me, so much bigger than anything I could ever face, so much bigger than my sin, so much bigger… period. Thank You for being enough. Thank You for loving me that HUGELY! Thank You for all You are. I praise You, Lord, forever and ever.


Written by

Crystal Garnett

ACF Digital Discipleship Director and Church Plant