Daily encouragement

Video by

Kat Brown

ACF Devo Team

dive deeper

Psalm 145:14

“The Lord supports all who fall, and raises up all who are bowed down.”

Behind the Scenes

I have loved walking through each of the verses in this series. But today’s verse is perhaps one of my favorites. As I read it, I picture the hands of my loving Father reaching down to caress my face when I fall, speaking gently, “it’s alright baby girl. I’ve got you. You’re okay. Take My hand and I’ll take care of you.” I imagine Him gently wiping away my tears, compassion in His eyes. I imagine Him brushing off the dirt and tending to my wounds.  

The Hebrew word translated “support” here is the word samak and it can also meant uphold or to sustain. Our God doesn’t look at us when we fall and tell us to get up and dust ourselves off. Instead, He gives us His strength. He steps in and sustains us by His might. He doesn’t wait for us to get it together; He comes to us and meets us in our need.

The word for “rises up” is zaqap and can also mean “comfort”. See, God is the ultimate comforter. He has everything our hearts, our souls, our bodies, and our minds need to heal. His comfort is multifaceted, never limited, and always perfectly grounded in His love. He is good and His comfort is always exactly what we need.

Make it Real

I am by nature achievement driven. I don’t like to fail, and there is something deep inside that cringes at the idea of needing help. In my human and fallen nature, if left to you own devices, I would struggle and strive to make it on my own power and strength. Maybe some of you can relate.

Over the years, God has lovingly shown me that this tendency in me is neither healthy nor righteous. It is driven by two things: fear and pride. Fear tells me that others can and will fail me and that if I trust them, I will get hurt. Pride tells me that if I ask for help, others will think less of me, and I will lose face. And both these lies don’t just affect my ability to trust people, but also my ability to trust God.  

But here is the thing about God’s Perfect love: He cannot fail me, and He will never look down on me. He has already seen the worst parts of me, the ugliest sins, the most broken pieces. And He has said He loves me still. He has called me His own and promised to be my provider. He has redeemed me and called me beloved. He has claimed me as a daughter of the Most High King forever.

Maybe you, like me, have struggled to accept the perfect love and provision of Christ. Can I encourage you today to confess that to God and let Him heal the broken pieces that keep us from fully embracing the love and support He offers. And in that healing, may we learn to receive the blessing of God’s love, God’s support, and God’s comfort.  

End in Prayer

Heavenly Father,

You love me more than I can even fathom. Please forgive me for the times my pride and fear have stopped me from receiving that love fully. Help me to trust You more. Thank You for being the amazing God who picks me up when I fall and strengthens me when I am weak. I love You.

In the name of Jesus,


Written by

Crystal Garnett

ACF Digital Discipleship Director and Church Plant